Christophe Courage, partner, advises on public law and healthcare law matters.
In healthcare law and life sciences, he advises members of the healthcare industry (pharmaceutical laboratories and manufacturers of medical equipment); healthcare professionals (doctors and para-medics), dispensary pharmacists and healthcare establishments, principally with regard to regulatory matters (e-health, market access, pricing, marketing of healthcare products, transfers and creation of pharmacies), but also contractual matters (transfer of independent businesses and pharmacies, contracts and listed company).
In public law, he intervenes notably in the following areas: general public law, public contract law (concessions, infrastructures, PPP), energy (hydroelectricity and green energy), public contracts, national and international public service and local authorities.
He intervenes in France and abroad (Europe, Africa and the Middle East).
He is a graduate of the Political Institute of Paris (or “IEP”), from the economics and financial section, and he is holder of a Masters’ Degree in internal public law. He publishes regularly in specialized journals and teaches at Evry University (M2 bioethics and biotechnologies).